Friday, 25 October 2013

Reflection Week 7

This week’s lecture touched on Digital Language Learning Materials (DLLM). We are required to answer a few questions during tutorial. Articles were given, thus we divided our tasks. Meanwhile, the tutorial ask requires us to create an example of DLLM and present them in front of our classmates. We created our DLLM by referring to articles read. I was actually quite confused at first, because I could not understand what are we required to do. Therefore, I asked and clarify things with lecturer and fellow classmates. When things are so much clearer, we proceed with the questions.
From what I can relate to, this week’s lecture require us to apply the concepts found in the articles in developing our DLLM. I furthered my understanding on DLLM, where it serves as educational purpose as its main function. The word ‘digital’ sometimes has made us easily forget that we need to create a digital material so that it can serve as a learning material not just a high-tech software but it does not have much learning concerns. This I believe, all future and present teachers should bear in mind. It does not mean a high-tech or latest software provides better learning opportunity, it depends factors such as teacher, students and also the feasibility of the materials. Based on experiences, teachers easily gets excited presenting a new digital materials to the students without actually thinking on how they can use them to provide maximum input to their students.

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