Thursday, 13 September 2012

Another teaching tools?

    Using social networking as tools in the teaching of writing, both has its advantages and disadvantages. Besides providing space for students to socialize and interact virtually with one another, it may also develop writing skills in students specifically. Students, mostly teenagers, tend to try their best updating statuses with bombastic words, maybe just to get 'likes' from their friends. Looking at the positive aspects, this could actually give themselves and their friends who is reading it, a motivation. Thus, everyone will start finding their very own eloquent statuses! In contrast, social networking sites, are actually leading to a different path and aspects. Social sites are meant for interaction in a community of millions subscribers. It has higher possibilities, that it may distract the learning process. With the presence of more and more types of threads and viruses, not everyone actually dares to open sites. Hackers can easily create an educational-looking sites, that actually contains threads! In conclusion, it all depends on an individuals, what type of learning methods they prefer. But as for me, books are still the best tool to be the "creme de la creme"!


  1. Great opinion! I do believe in books too. SNS is just another tool that maybe could widen the students' interaction with each other, just as you said.

    I found some confusion here. Do you mean 'presence' in line 9, and 'specifically' in line 3 ( students especially)?

  2. Right!Those were errors and updated! Thanks for noticing it Teacher YoonSJ!Didn't realized it was there all this while!! :P
